d' A.C.
Valentina Zatta
05/06 - 09/07 1999
"Photography is writing as light, an indelible
trace of an instant, a paper fossil which preserves the imprint of
what is past. Roberto Saletti is attracted precisely by the contrast between
memory and transience, between
escape and persistence.
A part of his work is centred on the swift passage of hesitant characters of
whom remain only blurred shapes, sometimes almost disintegrated: in one you can
only see a leg, a ghostly limb, absent and present in the same moment.
Another aspect is that which sees him dwell on the strongest and most enduring
element: rock, stone excavated, worked and shaped to become a tomb: perpetual
testimony, never fading , of passing and passing away
Stories and history, big and small, which melt and mix. Deaths which yield ghosts,
vestiges of shadows.
On one hand you feel the influence of Anton Giulio Bragaglia's futurist "Fotodinamica",
speed plus
transparency, on the other you are conscious of Mario Sironi's paintbrush-chisel,
of his material painting, completely homeric (in conception).
It is not a contradiction but the same condition of photography: to halt
and block what is destined to flow with time, to vanish. Bodies repossessed by
the living who are virtually already dead, or soon will be,
conserved in a chemical grave as deep as a simple sheet of paper. "
Pablo Echaurren
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