Roberto Saletti is a versatile artist whose output focuses on black and white photography. He lives and works in Rome where he pursues his artistic research. He has realised exhibitions, installations, performances and events with a predilection for unconventional venues.
His original aesthetics show the human figure and its archetypal force through an extremely modern language. His photographs surprise above all for the singular technique which Saletti has perfected in the course of more than 20 years of practice and research in the dark room but to a more attentive reading they reveal a potent emotive and symbolic force.
At his first personal exhibition, held in Brescia in 1999, Pablo Echaurren used these words to describe his figures: "hesitant, elusive characters, of whom remain only blurred shapes, sometimes almost disintegrated....Bodies taken by the living who are virtually already dead or soon will be". In recent years Roberto Saletti's photographs portray a humanity renewed with an interrogative gaze and a strange, mysterious beauty.



